Anabolic Cooking

          I mentioned in my last post that I love cooking. Now, this is my favorite cooking guide! I have a lot of this but this is the one that I am sharing here first. I got interested in this not because I want to build muscles but because I want my diet to be healthy as well. You see, the people who made Anabolic Cooking were focused on body builders. They use the Anabolic cooking technique to build large muscles. That is not really what I want. It turns out that, even if you are using this recipe's, if you are not really doing the kind of workout they are doing, you will be just fine and not have the muscles they do. Hahaha. But if by any chance you want to build big muscles using the anabolic cooking method, then by all means use it for that purpose.

         I included a sample recipe below of  the turkey bacon scramble which I really love having for breakfast. Note: the egg yolks are not wasted as I used it for another recipe. Lol.

Turkey Bacon Scramble


- 8 Egg Whites
- 1/2 cup Red Onion, chopped
- 1 cup Muschrooms, sliced
- 1 cup Broccoli florets
- 1/2 cup Green Pepper, chopped
- 1 Scallion, minced
- 1 tbsp of Olive Oil
- 1/2 teaspoon Dried Oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon Dried Parsley
- 1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 3 slices Turkey Bacon, cut
- Salt and Pepper

1. Using a medium skillet coated lightly with olive oil – set to medium high heat – cook the onion, mushrooms, broccoli, scallion and green pepper until tender
2. In another skillet, cook turkey bacon.)
3. Add the eggs to the veggies and scramble until completely set. Then add a tablespoon of olive oil, and sprinkle garlic powder, oregano, parsley, salt and pepper. Stir and add the cut cooked turkey bacon

Now going back to the Anabolic cooking method, it really helped a lot in maintaining my fitness and health. This is not the only cooking book I have but this is my favorite and my main diet book. Not only is this a diet book but it also helps save on groceries as they have tips for that as well. Plus the recipe's are being updated for life so you won't be stucked with the same recipes over and over. Not a good cook? No worries, because the recipes are very easy and quick to prepare. You might be surprised like my friends when they saw me enjoying chicken nuggets. Hahaha.

I hope you like my Anabolic Cooking review. You can get more information on this just Click Here!

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